Sunday 15 July 2012

Monday 2 July 2012

Nearly at mini goal number 1.

1.5lbs left to go and I will be 200lbs.

So far I've lost: 9.5lbs.

Mini goal number 2 is 14 stone or 196 lbs.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Another 2lb off. I have put goal back two weeks due to holiday. Neither lost not gained during this time but it has affected my points allowance. 7lb to get to my first mini goal.

Also undergoing hypnotherapy for anxiety. Hopefully this will help control my binge eating too. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


So far, by myself I've lost 7lb. I've been battling with depression, anxiety, medication and lack of motivation. I've now given in and joined Weight Watchers. Whilst I disagree with having to pay to diet, especially as I've only joined online and not to go to meetings; I think the system is very motivational. It's not restricted to rabbit food and it has all the monitoring and tracking to keep my OCD in check.

I'm determined to shift this now. I figure my IBS will settle down as I feel healthier and hopefully my anxiety will ease as I feel better about myself.

My first mini goal is the 10%. My unofficial mini goal is 9lb less than I am now. Estimating max of 9 weeks. So I will recap by beginning of August. Up hum.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Going to doctors is not straightforward when you firstly have to ring a receptionist and try to explain how you feel to her, then wait for a doctor to call you back to explain it again to them, then not even guarantee that you'll get to see anyone at the end of it because you can't describe what it is that's actually wrong.

So I'm left feeling like a paranoid hypochondriac because it'll probably all be 'anxiety' as that seems to cover 'everything' that's ever been wrong with me and i'm left still feeling the same plus frustrated with complaining about it, people having to deal with me feeling like this all the time assuming its an excuse as the rest of the time i'm pretending I'm fine.

So. Yes, I guess I am attention seeking in that I'm looking for advice on how to deal with my stupid brain and lazy body who conspire against me on a daily basis and I don't have work to blame it on any more.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Cold Laser Lipo

So far I've had two sessions. It's 4 paddles with 4 Laser Diodes plus 2 small Lymph paddles placed on your problem areas (in my case: hips and abdomen) it's warming and non-invasive and no suction involved. The
juries still out on whether it is working at contouring my body. I'm willing to give it a shot as it was a discounted purchase online. It is very relaxing and I got a bonus treatment today: semi-permanent mascara. Louisa is fun and very chatty. I've enjoyed my treatments so far and afterwards 10 minutes on the old power plates to shake it all up a bit.

I've missed my Zumba this week, but hopefully I should go tomorrow.

PS did I mention I've lost another pound?

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Intermittent Fasting

I've read a lot about this on my travels. Intermittent fasting is where you just don't eat for 16 or 24 hours and then follow your usual eating habits. Allegedly, this puts your body into a state of ketosis - where you use your body fat for energy. I find myself inadvertently doing this after bad days. Today I didn't eat until 3pm from 9pm the previous day. I'm not hungry, so I don't eat. I do occasionally listen to my body. Yesterday, however, it wanted me to eat doughnuts... I ignored it.