Saturday, 21 April 2012

Going to doctors is not straightforward when you firstly have to ring a receptionist and try to explain how you feel to her, then wait for a doctor to call you back to explain it again to them, then not even guarantee that you'll get to see anyone at the end of it because you can't describe what it is that's actually wrong.

So I'm left feeling like a paranoid hypochondriac because it'll probably all be 'anxiety' as that seems to cover 'everything' that's ever been wrong with me and i'm left still feeling the same plus frustrated with complaining about it, people having to deal with me feeling like this all the time assuming its an excuse as the rest of the time i'm pretending I'm fine.

So. Yes, I guess I am attention seeking in that I'm looking for advice on how to deal with my stupid brain and lazy body who conspire against me on a daily basis and I don't have work to blame it on any more.